主要学术成果(论文、专利、专著、译著等) |
五篇代表作: 1. Hu, Y. X.; Ye, D.; Luo, B.; Hu, H.; Zhu, X.; Wang, S.; Li, L.; Peng, S. J.; Wang, L.* Binder-Free and Free-Standing Cobalt Sulfide@Carbon Nanotube Cathode Materials for Aluminum-Ion Battery Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1703824 (Impact Factor: 25.809, Highlighted by Materials Views, ESI Highly Cited Paper) 2. Hu, Y. X.; Pan, Y.; Wang, Z*; Lin, T; Gao, Y; Luo, B.; Hu, H.; Fan, F.; Liu, G.*; Wang, L.* Lattice distortion induced internal electric field in TiO2 photoelectrode for efficient charge separation and transfer Nature Communication 2020, 11, 2129 (Impact Factor: 11.8, Editor Selection) 3. Hu, Y. X.; Luo, B.; Ye, D.; Zhu, X.; Lyu, M.; Wang, L. An Innovative Freeze-Dried Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported SnS2 Cathode Active Material for Aluminum-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1606132. (Impact Factor: 25.809) 4. Hu, Y. X.; Zhang. T. R.; Cheng, F. Y.*; Zhao, Q.; Han, X. P.; Chen, J. * Recyclable Application of Li-MnO2 Batteries for Li-air Batteries Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54, 4338-4343. (Impact Factor: 12.257) 5. Hu, Y. X.; Bai, Y.; Luo, B.; Wang, S.; Hu, H.; Chen, P.; Lyu, M.; Joe, P.; Alan, S.; Wang, L. * A Portable and Efficient Solar-Rechargeable Battery with Ultrafast Photo-Charge/Discharge Rate, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 28, 1900872. (Impact Factor: 24.884, Cover Image) |